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Going Green

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Save Energy to Save Moneylight-bulb-2631841_960_720

  1. Lower your thermostat in the winter season and a raise it in the summer time to save money on costs for heating & cooling
  2. Make sure to unplug all unused appliances. You can also use a smart power strip that can detect when appliances are off which will cut phantom energy use.
  3. Use cold water when washing clothes. Approximately 85% of energy used goes to the hot water used for washing clothes.
  4. Using a drying rack or clothesline can save a lot of energy. If you were to use a dryer, it is important to use dryer balls to cut energy usage
  5. Remove and replace old incandescent light bulbs with new compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)

More than 3,000,000 homes a year can receive light if every home in the US replaced 1 light bulb with an Energy Star bulb. We would save over $600,000,000 in yearly energy costs, and help prevent greenhouse gases that are equal to the emissions of more than 800,000 automobiles.

  1. Keep all electronics including cell phones and computers as long as possible.
  2. Be responsible and donate/recycle them. E-waste contains toxins such as mercury which is a growing environmental problem.
  3. Recycle your old mobile phones.
  4. Participate in your local government and ask for a setup of multiple events which will help recycle/collect electronic hazardous waste.
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LiveWire Electrical

1409 East Blvd

CharlotteNC 28203

Phone: (704) 397-4887
North Carolina lic. U-28517

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