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Electrical Safety at Home

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Each year, over 47,000 residential building electrical fires are reported in the U.S., leading to over 450 deaths, over 1,500 injuries and over $1.5 billion in property damage. These are serious statistics, and as a homeowner, you need to do what you can to keep your home from becoming one of those stats.

Safety Tips You Can Implement at Home8203770880_f5e275111e_b

  • Don’t overload your system – Avoid plugging too much into your outlets or asking your circuits to handle too high of a load. If you are blowing fuses or if the outlets or switches feel warm, call an electrician for professional help.
  • Watch for fire hazards – Many electrical items in your home, like light bulbs, can get quite hot. If you notice that they are feeling too warm, address the problem. Keep flammable materials away from light bulbs and other electrical items.
  • Use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) – These are required in areas, like the laundry room, basement or bathroom, where outlets could get wet. Add these to outdoor areas too.
  • Follow the directions – When plugging in an appliance, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it is properly grounded and plugged in.
  • Add circuits or outlets safely – Consider hiring a professional when adding a circuit or an outlet.
  • Watch for loose or frayed cords – Loose and frayed electrical cords cause fire and electrocution hazards. Replace these when you find them.
  • Watch for cords under things – Running an extension cord under a doorway or under a carpet is a problem. Under the carpet you create a fire risk, while the doorway can pinch the cord and cause it to break or fray.
  • Child proof everything electrical – Add tamper-resistant receptacles, keep cords out of reach and ensure that outlets are properly covered if you can’t add the tamper-proof receptacles in your home to avoid fire hazards caused by small children playing with electrical items.
  • Keep electricity away from water – Don’t run the radio near the bathtub or you are putting yourself at risk for electrocution.

Remember, you are the first line of defense against electrical fires. Take precautions to avoid them, and enjoy your home without risk of problems with your electrical systems. If you have any further questions about keeping your home’s electrical systems safe, contact LiveWire Electrical!

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LiveWire Electrical

1409 East Blvd

CharlotteNC 28203

Phone: (704) 397-4887
North Carolina lic. U-28517

Open 24/7

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