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Signs Your Electrical Panel Needs Upgrading

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shutterstock_400376113When it comes to your home’s safety, there’s nothing more crucial to maintain than your electrical panel. According to the National Fire Protection Association, electrical fires cause between 400 and 500 deaths each year in the United States. One of the most common causes of fatal electrical fires is improper electrical panel maintenance. Whether you’re in need of electrical repair or are moving into a new home and need a new electrical panel installation, the team at LiveWire Electrical is here to help. Here are some common signs that your electrical panel needs to be upgraded.

Your Home Is Old

If you live in an older home and haven’t upgraded your electrical system, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel to keep your home safe and help your appliances run efficiently. Modern homes simply have more household items that run on electricity than homes did just a few decades ago. If your home has a 60 Amp electrical system, it’s severely outdated and needs an upgrade. In fact, most home insurance companies won’t even cover a home with a system that’s less than 100 Amps or 240 Volts.

When your electrical system is overloaded with modern technology and appliances, there’s a higher chance that the system can cause damage to your home. Most homes are built of highly flammable materials, and when paired with an outdated electrical panel, your home is at risk.

Your Breakers Consistently Tripelectrician-2755682_960_720

One of the top signs that there’s something wrong with your panel is that your breakers continually trip. An important safety feature in your home, your breakers can also tell you when there’s something wrong with your electrical system. When your breakers consistently trip, it may be a sign that your home is trying to draw in more power than your panel can handle. Pushing your panel too far can cause it to fail and potentially catch fire.

You See Rust

Rust is a common visual sign that it’s time to upgrade your panel. The metal face of your panel keeps your internal system wiring protected, and rust is a sign that there could be water damage behind your panel. If there’s rust on your panel, chances are the wires in your system are compromised as well.

Choosing the Right Panel and Installerelectrician-looking-into-electrical-panel

Whether you own a business or you’re looking to upgrade the electrical system in your home, there are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing your next upgrade. It’s time to upgrade your panel when your home or business uses a fuse system instead of a circuit breaker system. The thin wire in a fuse system is not effective at protecting your home or business from electrical surges, which can be extremely dangerous.

A circuit breaker keeps your home and business safe by quickly shutting off the flow of electricity when a surge happens, which is important for keeping you and your family safe. Just as important as the kind of panel you choose is the team you choose to install it. The team at LiveWire Electrical is there for all of your electrical panel needs. For more information on our electrical panel upgrade services, contact us today.

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LiveWire Electrical

1409 East Blvd

CharlotteNC 28203

Phone: (704) 397-4887
North Carolina lic. U-28517

Open 24/7

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