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Preventing Electrical Fire

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Electrical fires can be a very scary experience. In many cases, people don’t realize they have an electrical fire until it is too late because they originate behind walls. Electrical fire smells are a good indication that something has gone wrong however, the best thing to do is to take preventative measures.

Safety PrecautionsSchool_burn

  • Make sure to check for proper wiring and functioning electrical appliances.
  • Frayed wires can cause electrical fires. Remove and replace all worn, old, or damaged electrical cords.
  • Do not overload or misuse electrical extension cords.
  • Avoid placing any electrical appliances near wet floors or counters. All electrical appliances in bathrooms or kitchens should be treated with special care.
  • Purchase electrical appliances or products that have been evaluated by a nationally recognized laboratory, such as UL Solutions.
  • Children should not be allowed to play with or around electrical appliances like space heaters, irons, and hair dryers.
  • All combustible items like clothes, curtains, or rugs should be 3 feet from all types of heaters.
  • Never force a 3-prong plug into a 2-slot extension cord. Only use a 3-prong plug into a 3-slot outlet.
  • Do not overload electrical extension cords or wall sockets. All light switches or lights that are hot to the touch should be professionally replaced. Use child-proof measures on all electrical outlets.
  • Replace all electrical tool cords that are frayed or cracked. Never use any tool that causes small shocks, overheats, shorts out, or gives off smoke/sparks.
  • Make sure to have a working small alarm to increase your chance of surviving a fire. Have a home escape plan and practice it frequently with your family.

If you encounter any safety issues that could potentially lead to fire safety hazards, call the experienced electricians at LiveWire Electrical. We can perform electrical inspections to make sure your wiring is up to code, keeping you and your family safe from harm.

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LiveWire Electrical

1409 East Blvd

CharlotteNC 28203

Phone: (704) 397-4887
North Carolina lic. U-28517

Open 24/7

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